Is HOME a physical place?

We talk about home and often that refers to a physical place. But  is it really like that in the end?

To me, I don’t know, at least not completely.

There have been times when, between walls that were familiar to me, I felt deeply alone or uncomfortable and others when, despite being in a new or unknown place, I felt like HOME.

It’s one of the statements I hear the most from people I work with and who are struggling to integrate into the country where they moved to: “I don’t feel at home here”.

I tried asking people I know, because hearing different perspectives always amazes me.

WHAT MAKES YOU FEEL AT HOME? Here just some of the answers..

The smile of those who love me

A bunch of flowers on the table

Not having to explain anything because a look is enough

My body knowing the space around me without seeing it

Homemade cookies

The sea

A question that shows me you really noticed me

The photos I love most

Mom and dad

A coszy bed

Dinner with loved ones

Home then, at its root, is rarely a matter of walls.

It’s that sensation of belonging and warmth, of truly being surrounded by those who love us, of those perfumes or objects we immediately recognise and that make us feel good.

Easy to recreate when you’re far from everyone and everything you know, right?

I feel lucky, I felt at home from the first day I set foot in Zurich but knowing myself well, knowing what puts me in a tight spot and also putting my needs first certainly helped me. Here some examples.

I know that living in the city makes me feel part of something, not isolated, especially if I’m not working.

It doesn’t matter how tiny it is, but I need a house that makes me feel good as soon as I come into it (it’s just a matter of immediate feeling).

I need to explore before moving so that I know where I can find things that I need and like in my new surroundings.

I get the candles ready and light them even if I don’t have a bed to sleep on yet, because I feel I’m doing something special.

And I always make a list of nice places where to have an espresso!

I cared that all these things weren’t missed on my arrival, and then I slowly worked to build the rest.

You can help yourself and your family FEEL AT HOME answering to this question: what makes you feel at home?

There are many small things you can do:

Make the “Home box” packing together the small things that are important to you and smell like home, so that they will be immediately available once arrived at your destination.
Organise Skype calls with close friends.
Repeat a habit you always did in the your previous home.
Cook a dish loved by everyone.

Because you can’t pack the hug of a dear friend,

but you can discover the beauty of finding new ones.

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